Jun 24Liked by Kevin Lossner

re the jargon: the etymology of light vs heavy resources is based on the distinction that light resources are small files, basically just settings (with a few exceptions such as stop word lists), while heavy resources have a substantial amount of text content, in one or more languages (I think muses don't, but I never checked one).

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I think my goofy definition came from a conversation in the past year or two with Gábor or István, but I like your version better, though if you saw my Dutch autocorrect file with thousands of entries (made to accommodate a late translator who refused to use memoQ unless his 20-year+ accumulation of shortcuts could be migrated) the light resource definition gets a little wobbly. And a few of my auto-translation rulesets read like novels because of all comments they contain (as you probably know I avoid the integrated editor because of the tiny fields and inability to embed documentation of what I am doing - the subject of a future post).

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